School sport
Apart from being good for students’ health, it is believed that school sport stimulates academic achievement. Kindergarten to Year 2 classes usually have sport on Tuesday. The activities are designed to develop fundamental movement skills. Minor games skills are also taught.
For Years 3-6 weekly sport usually takes place on Fridays. The program includes skills, modified and minor games, and major games in accordance with the personal development, health and physical education (PDHPE) curriculum. Some of these activities may vary from year to year according to the special expertise of staff, and the facilities and equipment available to the school.
Each year during Term 3 we participate in interschool Primary School Sports Association (PSSA) sport with a number of local schools in netball and league tag.
In addition to weekly sport lessons, we conduct annual carnivals in swimming (Term 1), cross country (Term 2), and athletics (Term 3). Kindergarten to Year 2 attend the athletics and cross country carnivals. From these carnivals, students may qualify to represent the school at PSSA, zone, regional and state level. The school also provides opportunities for talented students to try out for various zone and regional team sports and enters selected NSW PSSA state knockout competitions and gala days.
From time to time, sporting bodies send their development officers to Galston Public School to conduct coaching or skills clinics with the students. Regular fitness sessions occur each week and may involve running and aerobic exercises.